6 Blue Monday Mood-Boosting Gardening Tips

6 Blue Monday Mood-Boosting Gardening Tips

Blue Monday is here again, supposedly the most depressing day of the year thanks to a gloomy combination of bad weather, long nights, and a reaction to all that festive partying last month. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel. The days are getting longer, spring is just around the corner, and we’ve put together our top 6 mood-boosting gardening tips to make you feel better.

Top 6 Mood-Boosting Gardening Tips to Skip Blue Monday

  1. It’s a fact that digging makes you feel good. Working with the soil releases a form of soil bacteria called Mycobacterium vaccae that boosts serotonin – the ‘happy hormone’ that helps regulate your mood, promoting satisfaction, happiness, and optimism. So grab your trowel, get out there and get in touch with your soil, and you’ll soon be feeling better.

  2. Studies have shown that being around nature improves our mood and our creativity levels. A study by the University of Exeter at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show in 2013 got show visitors to spend time in different workspace environments and then test their creativity, happiness, and productivity levels. Results showed that letting people make design decisions in spaces that contain plenty of plants can increase creativity by 45%, feelings of well-being by up to 47%, and productivity by 38%. So if you’re at your desk feeling blue, simply placing a few beautiful indoor plants around your room could make all the difference to your working day.

  3. Few things are more cheering in winter than the sight of new spring bulbs poking their green tips up through the earth. If you didn’t have the time to plant spring bulbs last autumn, you could still enjoy the results. Buy potted spring bulbs in the garden centre, and once you’ve enjoyed the flowers, plant the bulbs out in your garden so you’ll be able to enjoy them all over again next year.

  4. Now’s a great time to plant bare-root roses and shrubs, and it’s a very cost-effective way to grow. Getting physical with a shovel triggers those mood-enhancing hormones, and imagining how great your plants will look when they’re all in flower in the summer is sure to put a smile on your face.

  5. If the weather’s too bleak for gardening outdoors, you can still get in touch with your green fingers indoors. Tidy up the greenhouse, wash out your old pots in some warm soapy water, and get everything ready so that this spring will be your best ever.

  6. And on those long dark winter evenings, settle into your most comfortable chair with a mug of tea and plan your vegetable plot for the year. Stock up on your seeds and start dreaming of stupendous harvests!

Winter’s on its way out, and we have everything you need in our centres to get your garden into shape for spring. Visit us soon to see what’s in store!

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